So, you can do this cloning this repository, or downloading all files available. Of course i hid my DB (see the .gitignore file) and my venv. Also You have to know that this project was created using Django 4.4.2v. I recommend you to load this project in a venv, in my pc i used Pyhton Virtual Enviroment, you can see it in this link:
Firstly, you have to know that this project was designed for PCs, but it's a responsive website. That means it can adapt to mobile. But understand that there is no specific version for mobile, ok? In this site you can create your Author User by the form, and login. So, you can make recipes with a form too. The simple user can't publish your recipes. Who can publish is only the superusers(admins). Those who visit the website can see the search bar and the navbar that contains options of category and User area. In the end of the site you can see my name (link for my gihub) and the Django(link for documentation) on the footer. Of course you can erase these links. ;c
This project is a Django WebSite (v4.4.2), and was created for simulate a real site of food recipes. The main purpose of its creation is bring to me the knowledge of Web development through practice. I guess that i learned a lot. Because, i met the SSH keys to connecting my Github to my development environment, and consequently, i learned a bit of Git. I gained more knowledge about Back-end with Python and Django and Front-end with CSS.