
Emarat Frontend

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Contributors

About The Project

Product Name Screen Shot

Most Resident Welfare Association (RWAs) and cooperative societies rely on physical methods to solve resident problems and to collect maintenance fees which is quite a tedious task and lacks clarity and status tracking. With E-Marat, we are providing digital solutions for all the society issues at one place. This will include payments tracking, complaints resolving, and public announcements system. We will also provide a Social space platform for residents to become acquainted with others by posting stories and sharing their thoughts.


PRD      HLD      One Pager      Wireframes      Coding Practices

Backend Repo

Backend Repo


To empower cooperative society digitally by providing a platform to avail facilities easily and to connect.


To make all the members of a society feel like a family and to resolve all the problems at one place.


  • Simple solutions for the problems.
  • All solutions are in one place.
  • Bridge the communication gap within the society.


  • Social Feed with realtime comments.
  • Simple and consistent UI.
  • Secure app with mobile Otp and JWT Token.
  • Multiple Payment Option.
  • Infinite scrolling to optimize long lists.

Built With


Getting Started

Following are the simple steps to run this project.


  • npm

    npm install npm@latest -g
  • firebase

    npm install firebase -g


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/pesto-students/n6-emarat-fe-eta-6.git emarat-fe
  2. Set environment variables


  3. Install NPM packages

    cd emarat-fe && npm install
  4. Run

    npm start
  5. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser

  6. Run Test cases

    npm test

Test Credentials

To login in the app as admin use no. 9999999999 and otp 123456
To login in the app as resident use no. 8888888888 and otp 123456

Other Available Scripts

To lint our entire project expect build folder, we can run

npm run lint

we don't need to run the above commoand for every change in our file, VS code will automatically tell the places where ESLint rules are getting broke, thanks to .eslintrc.js which conatins all the standard rules for our project.

Pretty code
To make our coding practices standard with all our team members, we are using Prettier

npm run format

Pre-commit hook
In this project we are using husky to hook particular scripts to pre commit hook,
whenever we do git commit -m 'message' husky will call the pre-commit hook, from the hook we will call our scripts in the order of

npm run lint
npm run format

if anyone of this script gets failed our commit will not happen, so this will give standard structure to our code base.

End-To-End Test
To do end to end testing, we are using cypress.
Whenever we do npm run cypress cypress window will open and we can run any test suite that is written.
We can also use npm run cypress:headless to run all the end to end test suits at once.

Tools and Libraries

  • [Redux-Tool-Kit] - State Management
  • [Sentry] - Error Tracking
  • [Cypress] - End to End testing
  • [Jest] - Unit testing
  • [React-testing-Library] - Integration testing
  • [Recharts] - Charts
  • [Eslint] - Linting
  • [Prettier] - Automatic code formatting
  • [Tailwind] - CSS styling classes
  • [StyledComponents] - Styling


Deepak Singh Rawat - GiHub - Email

Haris Rahman - GiHub - Email