Full Stack Notebook

Golden Rules

  • No spaces in file, folder, or repo names
  • Pay attention to and match letter/word casing
  • Commit early, commit often

Command line/terminal operations:

  • To print out current working directory:
  • To print out the contents of the current directory: ls, can be expanded with more information using the -la flags:
ls -la
  • To change directory:
cd /path/to/folder
  • ~ refers to the "home" directory
  • . refers to the "current" directory
  • .. refers to the "parent" directory, example usage: cd .. to go up one level

SSH Keys

Used to authenticate your computer without having to enter a password over and over.

On MacOS, first run:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Followed by:

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

This places your SSH key onto your clipboard, now go to GitHub, and under Settings>SSH and GPG keys paste this new SSH key.

On Windows, first run:

ssh-keygen -o

Followed by:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

This will print out your SSH key which you will manually need to highlight and copy to your clipboard.

Example output:

NrRFi9wrf+M7Q== schacon@mylaptop.local

Finally, go to GitHub, and under Settings>SSH and GPG keys paste this new SSH key.

Basic Git

Making a Repo on GitHub, 3 important steps

  1. Enter a repo name, with no spaces
  2. Make sure repo is set to "Public"
  3. Click the option to add a README.md file - this will make your life much easier!!!

First create repo on GitHub, then on your machine, in a directory that makes sense such as "/coding-bootcamp-projects", run:

git clone git@github.com:diarmuid-murphy/full-stack-notebook.git

N.B. Note that the url in the above snippet will vary per repo.

N.B. Also note that cloning a repo is the process of getting a copy on your machine and only needs to be done once. To get updates from a repo, run git pull.

Once you have the repo on you machine, change into that directory using cd

Finally, from within the repo you can run the following commands each time you want to make a "save".

git add -A OR git add .
git commit -m "a descriptive label for your commit"
git push