
  • Data Structure Assignments
  • Language: C
  • Environment: Dev-C++


HW01 (180404)

  • pro1: typedef struct
  • pro2: recursion
  • pro3: recursion

HW02 (180509)

  • pro1: doubly linked list
  • pro2: stack
  • pro3: queue

HW03 (180528)

  • pro1: sorting algorithms
  • pro2: binary search tree
  • pro3: Dijkstra & Floyd algorithm

Term Project


  • interim report (180530)
    • submitted on time.
  • presentation (180611)
  • final report (180625)


  • Data Collection
    • collect facility information
    • draw campus graph
  • Programming
    • implement FileHandlers
      • SpaceFileHandler.c (with Space_info.txt)
      • TimeTableFileHandler.c (with TimeTable_info.txt)
      • GraphFileHandler.c (with Graph_info.txt)
    • implement key functions
      • Check a validity of the time table.
      • Create a new schedule between schedules.
      • something else...
    • design user interfaces