
CLI RPN Calculator

Primary LanguagePHP

Demo Task :: Calculator

Just a demo app that is used to test a rpn calculation via cli. If you have php7 installed already you really don't need the VM; if you have an older version use Varant installation below to run inside a VM.


  • test more complex expressions
  • add box and maintain a deployable phar
  • move Calculator to it's own repository
  • expand support for other expression notations

Virtual Machine Installation

Development Dependencies

Development VM Configuration

There are two configuration files, the default and local. Local should not be checked in should be used to override any of the project default configurations or add new ones.

Create New Config to modify

cp config/vagrant.local.json.example config/vagrant.local.json

VM Access

Start / SSH / Stop / Destroy / Provision the VM

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
vagrant halt
vagrant destroy
vagrant provision

Install PHP Dependencies

Get latest composer version

./composer self-update

Install latest dependencies

./composer update


Run calculation task, passing the rpn expression in quotes for portability.

php bin/console calc "1 1 +"


./vendor/bin/peridot tests/calculator/Calculator.spec.php