
Backend of Ecommerce API project using Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Backend RESTful API for Ecommerce build in Node.js using Express.js & MongoDB

Install all Dependencies

npm i

Setup config.env file

Create config.env file inside root folder. Add environment variable values.

PORT = <It may be any port number like 3000, 4000 etc>
DB_URI = <A link to connect your application to your cluster (Get it from https://cloud.mongodb.com/)>

JWT_SECRET = <secret or publicKey (strong and random alphanumeric string)>
JWT_EXPIRES_TIME = <It may be any time/day like 7d, 10d etc>
COOKIE_EXPIRES_TIME = <It may be 7, 10 etc>

CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = <It should be your cloudinary cloud name (Get it from https://cloudinary.com/)>
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = <It should be your cloudinary api key>
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = <It should be your cloudinary api secret>

STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = <It should be your stripe secret key (Get it from https://dashboard.stripe.com/)>
STRIPE_API_KEY = <It should be your stripe api key>

SMTP_HOST = <It should be your SMTP host (Get it from https://mailtrap.io/)>
SMTP_PORT = <It should be your SMTP port>
SMTP_EMAIL = <It should be your SMTP email>
SMTP_PASSWORD = <It should be your SMTP password>
SMTP_FROM_EMAIL = <It should be your email id from which you will send mail via SMTP>
SMTP_FROM_NAME = <It should be any name from which you will send mail via SMTP>

Run Project using any one of below commands

npm start
npm run dev
npm run prod

Install MongoDB Community Edition

Install MongoDB Community Edition on macOS using below commands on terminal. For more information, you can checkout this link. (For different OS like Windows, Linux follow this link.)

brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community@5.0
  • Setup cloud MongoDB Atlas using this link.
  • Register, create project, create database and do some settings like Database Access, Network Access etc.
  • Connect to database cluster. (If you want you can connect database with MongoDB compass(GUI for MongoDB) on your Macbook after installing the MongoDB Compass.)


Below packages are used in this project: