
The internet place for photos

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A photo management application

Video Link

Tech Stack

  • Backend - NodeJs
  • Frontend - ReactJs
  • Database - MySQL
  • Blob Storage - AWS S3


  • Photo management application
  • User authentication using JWT
  • Create and delete galleries
  • Upload photos to galleries
    • Click to upload
    • Drag and drop to upload
  • View photos and galleries of other user
  • Download photos
  • Mobile responsive

How to run locally?

  • Clone the repository
  • Create a S3 bucket on AWS and with right ACL policies
  • Start MySQL server and create a database by snaphot and import the snaphot.sql to create the tables
  • Create a file named .env and copy the fields from env_sample to .env and populate the fields
  • Run npm i in HotClix and HotClix/client directory. You can safely ignore the warning if it comes up.
  • After packages are installed, run npm start in HotClix and HotClix/client directory to start the servers.
  • Now you are good to go