
Hamster code keys generator (Генератор ключей кодов Hamster Combat) is a bot designed for automatic promo code farming and distribution via Telegram. It includes an admin panel for management and a notification system for user updates.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Hamster Keys Generator

Python PostgreSQL Redis SQLAlchemy aiogram Flake8

Hamster code

Table of Contents

Project Description

The Hamster Keys Generator project is a system that automatically generates promo codes for various games. User interaction is handled through a Telegram bot, while code generation and management, using proxy servers to send requests to game APIs, ensure seamless integration with game platforms. A PostgresSQL database is used for storing promo codes, and sessions and requests are processed asynchronously with the aiohttp library. The system uses a Redis database for session management and caching to improve performance.

The project utilizes:

  • Alembic for database migrations,
  • SQLAlchemy for database interaction,
  • Aiogram for working with the Telegram API,
  • Docker for containerization.

Main Features:


  • Automatic promo code generation and database storage for games.
    • Easily generate promo codes for multiple games and automatically save them in the database.
  • Detailed logging and error handling.
    • All stages of the generation process are logged for transparency, and in case of errors, the farmer automatically restarts on a timed schedule.
  • Proxy support for API requests.
    • Ensures reliable API access even when geographical restrictions or rate limits are in place.

Telegram Bot

  • Key distribution.
    • Quick access for users to claim keys via a multilingual interface.
  • Admin commands.
    • Manage users and bot settings with powerful admin tools.
  • Request rate-limiting.
    • Controls the number of promo code requests per user to prevent abuse.
  • Boosted key counts (POPULARITY_COEFFICIENT).
    • Displays inflated key counts to attract more users.
  • Multilingual support.
    • Easy switching between languages for a global audience.
    • Supported languages: en, ru, uk, sk, es, fr, tr, ar, de, fa, ur, hi
  • Donation system (XTR stars).
    • Users can donate using fixed or custom amounts of Telegram stars.
    • Includes payment confirmation, cancellation, and refund options.
  • Referral links.
    • Add your referral links: Promote your projects by adding referral links. Encourage users to invite others and get bonuses in return.
  • Achievement system.
    • Track user progress: Users can unlock achievements based on their activity and receive special rewards as they progress.

Redis Integration

  • Session and caching management.
    • Redis is used to manage sessions and cache frequently used data, providing faster access and reducing the load on the PostgreSQL database.



  • Python 3.10+
  • PostgreSQL 16.3+
  • Docker (for deployment using Docker Compose)

Installing Dependencies

Install the required dependencies with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment Configuration

Create a .env file in the project root directory based on the provided .env.example file. Fill it with the following parameters:




Running with Docker

  1. Build and start the containers using Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d postgres redis
  1. Apply migrations and set up the database:
alembic upgrade head

Running the Bot

After setting up the database and configuration, you can start the bot with Python:

python bot/main.py

Running the Farmer

The farmer can be started as a separate process:

python app/main.py


Logs are saved in the logs directory. Log files are rotated when they reach 10 MB, with up to 5 backup copies retained.


User Commands

  • /start – Start the bot
  • /change_lang – Change the language
  • /paysupport – Support via donations

Admin Commands

  • /admin – Open admin panel

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

This project uses GitHub Actions for:

  • Linting with Flake8 on every push,
  • Building and deploying when changes are pushed to the main branch,
  • Auto-release creation for new tags.


Make sure to configure the following GitHub Secrets for deployment:

  • HOST: The remote server host.
  • USERNAME: The SSH username.
  • PORT: The SSH port.
  • SSHKEY: The private SSH key for connecting to the remote server.

Project Structure

├── app                  # Logic of generating promo codes
│   ├── main.py
│   ├── game_promo_manager.py
│   ├── games.py
│   ├── database.py
│   ├── models/
│   └── proxies.txt
├── bot                  # Telegram bot
│   ├── main.py
│   ├── config.py
│   ├── redis_client.py
│   ├── handlers/
│   ├── translations/
│   └── keyboards/
├── alembic              # Database migrations
│   ├── versions/
│   └── env.py
├── backups              # Database backups
├── redis.conf           # Redis configuration file
├── docker-compose.yml   # Docker configuration
├── requirements.txt     # Project dependencies
├── .env                 # Environment Configuration
└── README.md            # Project Description


We welcome contributions to Hamster-code-generator. To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your changes.
  3. Make your changes and commit them to your branch.
  4. Update your branch from the main repository:
    git fetch upstream
    git merge upstream/main
  5. Submit a pull request.

We will review your pull request and provide feedback as needed.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.