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ionic v2 Sample

Following the official guide: http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/setup/installation/

Guide Draft


  1. Register the repository on bitrise.io
  2. As bitrise.io can't auto recognize Ionic projects right now, it's best to select the Configure manually without project scanning option in the Validation setup section during the setup
  3. In the Project build configuration section select Other / Manual to make bitrise to generate a very minimal workflow - we'll replace this right away anyway.
  4. In the Stack selector:
    • For Android builds: select the Android & Docker, on Ubuntu 16.04 option.
    • For iOS builds: select the right Xcode x.x.x, on macOS option (the same Xcode version you use on your Mac).

Prepare the Android project

  1. Make sure that you don't .gitignore the platforms/ directory (it's in .gitignore by default if you generated the project with ionic start ProjectName --v2).
    • For Android this is actually optional, and you can distribute your app without this, but for iOS you'll have to do this.
    • Actually you'll have to remove additional .gitignore entries:
      • platform/
      • www
      • plugins
    • And the default .gitignore in the generated platform/android by default is incorrect, /build should be replaced with build/, and .gradle should be added.

Prepare the iOS project

  1. Make sure that you don't .gitignore the platforms/ directory (it's in .gitignore by default if you generated the project with ionic start ProjectName --v2).
  2. Open the ios workspace (platforms/ios/ProjectName.xcworkspace)
  3. Turn off the Automatically manage signing option, then turn it back on
    • This is an issue with how Ionic generates the Xcode project code signing settings
  4. Set the Team
  5. In the top Device selector select Generic iOS Device
  6. Do an Archive in Xcode
  7. Fix any other issue you might have, until you can successfully generate an Archive from Xcode
  8. Make sure the Scheme is shared!

CI notes:

Either commit the platforms/ directory into your repository (remove it from .gitignore), or if you don't want to then you'll have to run cordova platform add android on any new Mac/PC or in CI, as the platforms/ directory is in the default .gitignore which is generated by ionic start ProjectName --v2.

Run locally



  • Build Cache