
Personal Website https://thatonecooluncle.github.io/dev.github.io/

Primary LanguageJavaScript


I am known to be somewhat of a visual person, a designer in some sense. But in terms of my career, I want to get into software development or project management. I want to use my professional skills to develop simple, and practical solutions to complex issues. This is what I hope to have my portfolio website to reflect. A simple, and practical design that is a cumulation of what I digested the prompt of the capstone to be.

When users go on my website, I want them to take away that my technical, and creative skills go hand in hand. The layout of the website displays my creativity in everything I do, and the content on the website aligns with my technical skills. For example, the full background picture of the Taj Mahal is a creative method of displaying my Indian heritage. And the three cards represented in the about me section is a short summary of my skills and experience in each three fields.

As inspiration, I take a look at other people's projects and portfolio. I inspect the purpose of their projects and how they perceive themselves to create solutions. For this project, I have looked at the portfolios of past students in the B IMD 233 class, and how they have creatively displayed their passions. I have also observed the portfolios of professional artists, and developers. I envisioned my portfolio to contain the scope of a student’s website, as well as apply the same web design principles as the professionals do.