
This is a minimal image which will help you run X server with openbox on the docker container and access it from ANY recent browser without requiring you to do any configuration on the client side.

Use Cases

  1. Provide system application accessible over the web easily. Lets say you want to demo a software which runs on your pc over internet without requiring the clients to install any softwares like Teamviwer,etc.

  2. You can use this to create a simple use & throw linux envinronment with GUI over cloud or any VPS /Server or even at your laptop.

Especially useful if you have to give access to your friends who come over for facebook/twittering at your PC. :)

How to use

docker run -td -p 6080:6080 paimpozhil/docker-novnc

#Or if you like to build yourself
git clone 
cd docker-novnc
docker built -t novnc .
docker run -td -p 6080:6080 novnc

Now visit and enter

Host as your Public IP of your docker host/server. Post = 6080 Leave password as blank and click connect you should see a nice display within your browser, just right click and open terminal or firefox.

For access within lan / localhost : visit http://localhost:6080 or http://privateip:6080 if you are running it in a local docker host or lan ip . click connect. You are good to go.

This is a minimal Image

This comes only with Firefox & Geany text editor installed if you'd like to have more softwares you can freely install them using apt-get commands

ex: apt-get install libreoffice-base libreoffice-gtk libreoffice-calc


Setup a LXDE version for a more desktop like setup

Add Authentication for VNC.

Support for all the docker based support.
