
Solve an NxN sliding puzzle problem using the A* algorithm

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Solve an NxN sliding puzzle problem using the A* algorithm

How to Build:

clone the project and type make


Generate a board: ./random_board <SEED> <NUM_OF_SHUFFLES> < <COMPLETED_STATE>
Solve a board: ./a_star <MODE> < <START_STATE_FILE>

or simply chain the operations together:
./random_board 1 100 < puzzle.txt | ./a-star 2


A seed value for the random number generator.

Specifies show many shuffles to make on the board.

A file that specifies what a solution should look like. Use 0 for blank.

0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8

Mode 0: Use no heuristic (Same as greedy search).
Mode 1: Use number of tiles displaced.
Mode 2: Use Sum of manhattan distances among tiles.
Mode 3: Use Sum of euclidean distances among tiles.

Specify via STDIN the puzzle. As noted earlier, use ./random_board to do this.

./random_board 1 100 < completed.txt > shuffled_puzzle.txt then ./a-star 2 < shuffled_puzzle.txt
or simply...
./random_board 1 100 < puzzle.txt | ./a_star 2