Practise typing while bored.
Different game modes:
- Countdown :
- Objective: Type as much words as possible before the time runs out.
- Customize Game Duration
- Feedback: Receive instant updates on your words per minute (WPM) and accuracy.
- Stopwatch :
- Objective: Type an entire page of text as fast and as accurate as possible.
- Feedback: Receive instant updates on your words per minute (WPM) and accuracy.
- Rain :
- Objective: Words fall from the top of the screen, type them before they hit the bottom.
- Choose the number of lives
- Customize rain speed
Coming soon: code snippets: Enhance your coding speed and accuracy by typing various code snippets.
- Countdown :
Languages: Currently only supports English and Serbian.
Play Offline: No need to connect to the internet.
Distraction-Free Typing: Temporarily disable cmp to focus on the game.
- dressing.nvim
- patched fonts
cmd = "Speedtyper",
opts = {
-- your config
use {
config = function()
-- your config
Full list of options with their default values
window = {
height = 5, -- integer >= 5 | float in range (0, 1)
width = 0.55, -- integer | float in range (0, 1)
border = "rounded", -- "none" | "single" | "double" | "rounded" | "shadow" | "solid"
language = "en", -- "en" | "sr" currently only only supports English and Serbian
game_modes = { -- prefered settings for different game modes
-- type until time expires
countdown = {
time = 30,
-- type until you complete one page
stopwatch = {
hide_time = true, -- hide time while typing
-- NOTE: the window height will become the same as the window width
rain = {
initial_speed = 1.5, -- words fall down by one line every x seconds
throttle = 7, -- increase speed every x seconds (set to -1 for constant speed)
lives = 3,
Command | Description |
:Speedtyper |
Select the game mode and enjoy playing! |
PRs and issues are always welcome.
See this.
- Neovim based:
- Other:
- Somehow I didn't know about this one until the day I made speedtyper.nvim public... My bad 😅
- toipe