
Repository with my following of the video series "Google Sheets Userform - Level 2"

Primary LanguageHTML

Google Sheets Userform - Level 2

This repository contains the reproduction of the Appscript codes created in the youtube playlist Google Sheets Userform - Level 2 by Learn Google Spreadsheets.


These are not the official codes of the video series, but just the reproduction of the instructions given by the author of series. This repository was just made as the learning process of the owner of this repository.

The author used Bootstrap 4 in the videos, but in this project was used Bootstrap 5 instead. Relevant differences between the implementations can be seen in the comments of each commit.


Feel free to clone this repository, but I strongly advise to watch the playlist if you aim to learn the subject.

To push this code to your own Appscript I advise using Clasp. If you are not familiar with the tool, the author of the playlist also has a video tutorial about it: CLASP Tutorial - Google Apps Script - How to Install CLASP


Chrome Version 89.0.4389.128

Bootstrap Version 5.0