iReport Container

Runs iReport-5.6.0 and was mainly developed to edit '.jrxml' without the need to install jdk-7 on your local machine.


  • Ubuntu
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose v 3

Steps to setup the container

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Download iReport-5.6.0
  3. Extract the content of the downloaded file, a folder named iReport-5.6.0, to this repository
  4. Create a new folder namede files
  5. Create a file .env
    1. Create a variable UID with your user UID (run id -u $USER on your terminal to discover)
    2. Create a variable GID with your user GID (run id -g $USER on your terminal to discover)
  6. Execute docker-compose build
  7. Execute docker-compose up


This solution was developed based on the solution 2.2 given by the article Using GUI's with Docker, with some edits made based on the article Docker Containers on the Desktop