
:earth_asia: Blog

Primary LanguageHTML

Liri Blog

This Liri Blog is based on Jekyll.

You can see it online at blog.liri.io.

Layout and style are inspired by Medium, Google Blog and Google Design.

The code was initially based upon @elementary/blog-template.

Editing workflow

Fork this repository and send a pull request.

How to handle images

Put images in the images/ directory with a folder name that matches the post slug. Image sizes should be:

  • Up to 800px wide for normal-width loDPI
  • Up to 1600px wide for normal-width HiDPI
  • Up to 800px for half- or third-width images on loDPI
  • Up to 1600px wide for half- or third-width images on HiDPI
  • 2560px wide for full-bleed

When scaling down, use a high quality interpolator like Sinc (Lanczos3) or NoHalo in GIMP to avoid too much blur/fuzziness.

Name your sized images something sane like image-name_800.jpg for the loDPI version, and image-name_1600.jpg for the HiDPI version. When writing the markdown, use this format:

![Alt Text]({{ site.baseurl }}/images/post-name/image-name_800.jpg){: srcset="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/post-name/image-name_1600.jpg 2x"}

Optimize images with the lowest JPG percent that looks good (i.e. manually in GIMP), and use something like Image Optimizer for PNGs.

Also consider JPGs instead of PNGs when the majority of the image is photographic or a gradient (i.e. not solid colors), as that will compress way better than a PNG.

Building and running locally

The blog is a simple Jekyll-powered site hosted by GitHub Pages. To run it locally, see the GitHub docs.

Initial setup

First make sure Ruby is installed.

On Fedora systems you can install it this way:

sudo dnf install -y ruby-devel rubygems

We want to manually install gems in our home directory.

Add these to your ~/.bashrc:

export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.gem
export PATH=$GEM_HOME/bin:$PATH

Now create the directory:

mkdir $HOME/.gem

Reload the environment:

source ~/.bashrc

Install the following stuff:

gem install bundler
cd blog
bundle install


Serve the pages locally with:

cd blog
bundle exec jekyll serve --host

The site should now be available at on your local machine, and your local machine's IP address on your network—great for testing on mobile OSes.

Drafts and future posts

Append --drafts to the serve command, and drafts in the _drafts folder will show up based on their last-edited time. Similarly, append --future to the serve command to show future posts.