
.NET 7 Web API 🔒 Authorization with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

Primary LanguageC#

.NET 7 Contact Web API 🔒 Authorization with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

Created simple CRUD web API to store the contact details of users in MySQL database. Contact API is protected with JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

Install tool globally

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef Install EF tool globally if you don't have.

Create table in the DB

dotnet ef database update. this command will create table in DB.# contact-api-mysql-auth-jwt


Once you run the project you will see attched scree as an output in web browser.


I have other two repo for same project

  1. Contact API using MySQL database, no Authorization : https://github.com/dev-scripts/contact-api-mysql
  2. Contact API using InMemoery database, no Authorization : https://github.com/dev-scripts/contact-api