Lab Management System

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Its a lab inventory management system. In this system there are 3 different types of role exist lab-assistent, lab-manager, admin. And also a default role is set for teacher (, password:12345) to visit the lab store.


  • Lab-Assistant:
    • Control all the necessary information and available product of lab
    • Add, Update and Delete items in his lab
    • Request for Restock and Repair items to manager
  • Lab-Manager:
    • Has main store room where all the items are avaiable and items are suppiled to individual lab
    • Add, Update and Delete items in the lab store
    • Request for Restock and Repair items to admin
  • Admin:
    • Control the user request and role
    • Response for Restock and Repair items
  • Dashboard: Interactive dashboard displaying summary.
  • Multi-platform Access: Accessible from desktop, tablet, and mobile devices for on-the-go expense management.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: Next.js for server-side rendering and React for building interactive UI components.
  • Backend: MongoDB for data storage and management.
  • Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure user authentication.
  • UI Library: Maintine UI.
  • Styling: Tailwind css for styling.
  • Deployment: Hosted on vercel.


For any inquiries or support, please contact-Gmail