
a light & inspirational theme for typora

Primary LanguageCSS

layout title category homepage download built-in author thumbnail typora-root-url typora-copy-images-to

Designed and tested on Windows11 & Ubuntu18.04. Not fully tested, but should work for MacOS.



Haru is a light style theme for Typora. I hope it can bring you inspiration, elegance and peaceful mind.




Typora Menu

Exit Dialog


Round corner design

Almost every element or container in haru is designed as round corner, including img, iframe, word count labe and even some input widget embedded in Typora.

Table without border

Table in haru doesn't have border and cell will be highlighted on any hover.

Title + Blockquote?

I combine title and blockquote to make extra information:

> # In Haru, you can use `>` + `#` to create Tips block

> ## `>` + `##` = warning block

> ### `>` + `###` = error block

> #### `>` + `####` = remind block

rendered result:


  1. Download haru.zip from Typora Gallery or my github release
  2. Typora Menu -> Themes -> Open Theme Folder
  3. Unzip haru.zip into the folder
  4. Restart Typora
  5. Select the Haru theme from the Themes menu in Typora
  6. Enjoy a nice day

Last but not least

  • Actually, many ideas in haru.css are copied from my own website 汇尘轩 directly, which contains an online markdown render.
  • The open source html2pdf tools almost drive me mad 💢 , so I decide to go back to Typora and transfer the style I designed for my website to Typora, in order to enjoy the peace and inspiration which I have designed for myself 😄
  • Some ideas are inspired by typora themes listed below:

Yeah, mint is an excellent theme; see-yue is quite inspirational; autumnus is peaceful, I quite like the style of its title.


If you are interested in my design or something else, welcome to my website or [github homepage](LSTM-Kirigaya (Kirigaya Kazuto) (github.com)). If you has some feedback, you can create [issue](Issues · LSTM-Kirigaya/typora-haru-theme (github.com)) or email me 1193466151@qq.com