First API project with Go

Here I've decied to try out deeper dive with building API projects with Golang. It's a simple app that does expose CRUD api around Message entity.

API is split in 2 parts: private and public and versioned by default v1 so we can evolve API independeny. Application has separate mini-app that takes care about data migration so API is not getting overloaded.

Private API

Private API is protected by basic Auth. See relevant env variables to set server creds, also docker-compose.yaml

# Create message
POST /private/v1/messages 

# Get all messages
GET  /private/v1/messages 

# Get single message
GET  /private/v1/messages/{messageId}

# Update single message (only text supported as partial update)
PATCH /private/v1/messages/{messageId}

Public API

Public API is public and not rate-limited, but can be added in a separate middleware.

# Create message
POST /public/v1/messages 

API surface is defined by request/responce objects and can be adjusted.

How to run project

Easiest way to see it working is docker compose

# Run in docker
docker-compose up

# Confugure local db of your choise 

# If you want to populate db with test data


I have testing mixed up of unit and integration tests, thus make test will require running a postgres instance with test db. Not great not terrible, ideally I'd separate integration tests into seprate command.

make test

DB Migrations

We are using golang-migrate and it can be installed as CLI tool

brew install golang-migrate

Additionaly you can create up and down migrations. For dev and testing you will require 2 databases: test-messages-db and messages-db.

Below is nessesarry info to create databses in local or docker-local postgres db.

migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migrations -seq create_users_table

Migration up:
migrate -path db/migrations  -database 'postgres://postgres:guessme@localhost/messages-db?sslmode=disable' up
migrate -path db/migrations  -database 'postgres://postgres:guessme@localhost/messages-db?sslmode=disable' down
migrate -path db/migrations  -database 'postgres://postgres:guessme@localhost/messages-db?sslmode=disable' drop

createdb test-messages-db -U postgres -h
grant all privileges on database "test-messages-db" to postgres;


  • More tests
  • Metrics are not there
  • Patch is not real patch only test can be updated
  • Errors are not standartized
  • Unit tests are mixed up with integration tests
  • More API testing I guess