First API project with Go
Here I've decied to try out deeper dive with building API projects with Golang.
It's a simple app that does expose CRUD api around Message
API is split in 2 parts: private
and public
and versioned by default v1
so we can evolve API independeny.
Application has separate mini-app that takes care about data migration so API is not getting overloaded.
Private API is protected by basic Auth. See relevant env variables to set server creds, also docker-compose.yaml
# Create message
POST /private/v1/messages
# Get all messages
GET /private/v1/messages
# Get single message
GET /private/v1/messages/{messageId}
# Update single message (only text supported as partial update)
PATCH /private/v1/messages/{messageId}
Public API is public and not rate-limited, but can be added in a separate middleware.
# Create message
POST /public/v1/messages
API surface is defined by request/responce objects and can be adjusted.
Easiest way to see it working is docker compose
# Run in docker
docker-compose up
# Confugure local db of your choise
# If you want to populate db with test data
I have testing mixed up of unit and integration tests, thus make test will require running a postgres instance with test db. Not great not terrible, ideally I'd separate integration tests into seprate command.
make test
We are using golang-migrate
and it can be installed as CLI tool
brew install golang-migrate
Additionaly you can create up and down migrations.
For dev and testing you will require 2 databases: test-messages-db
and messages-db
Below is nessesarry info to create databses in local or docker-local postgres db.
migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migrations -seq create_users_table
Migration up:
migrate -path db/migrations -database 'postgres://postgres:guessme@localhost/messages-db?sslmode=disable' up
migrate -path db/migrations -database 'postgres://postgres:guessme@localhost/messages-db?sslmode=disable' down
migrate -path db/migrations -database 'postgres://postgres:guessme@localhost/messages-db?sslmode=disable' drop
createdb test-messages-db -U postgres -h
grant all privileges on database "test-messages-db" to postgres;
- More tests
- Metrics are not there
- Patch is not real patch only test can be updated
- Errors are not standartized
- Unit tests are mixed up with integration tests
- More API testing I guess