

Welcome to the Interactive-Map! This React-based application integrates Mapbox to provide an interactive map experience. Users can search for locations, view 3D building visualizations, and access detailed information about various places.

Project Structure

app/ components/ # Shared components for the application hooks/ # Custom React hooks types/ # TypeScript types and interfaces

root/ components/ ui/ # ShadCN UI components ui-components/ # Custom UI components for this project lib/ # Utility functions and libraries

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  • Mapbox Integration: Interactive map with 3D building visualization.
  • Search Functionality: Search locations using Mapbox Geocoding API.
  • Responsive Design: Adaptive layout for various screen sizes.
  • 3D Buildings: Dynamic rendering of 3D buildings.
  • Place Details: Detailed information display for selected places.


  1. Clone the Repository
    [git clone](

Install Dependencies

bash Копировать код cd interactive-map yarn install Configure Environment Variables

Create a .env.local file in the root directory and add your Mapbox API key:

plaintext Копировать код NEXT_PUBLIC_MAPBOX_API_KEY=your_mapbox_api_key Usage Start the Development Server

bash Копировать код yarn run dev Open Your Browser Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the application.



  • Map: The core map component that renders the map, handles 3D buildings, and manages click events.


  • ShadCN Components: Pre-built UI components from the ShadCN library.


  • Custom Components: Tailor-made components for this project, including headers and place detail displays.

PlaceDetails: Displays detailed information about a selected place.

  • Header: Contains the search bar for querying locations.


  • Utilities: Shared utility functions and libraries used throughout the project