✨ Legend ✨ Developer 🚀 Smart Ninja 🚀

Hi,👋🏽 I'm Smart Ninja, a Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Developer 🚀, currently, I have rich experience with Blockchain, Ethereum, Yield Farming, Smart Contract, DEFI and NFT marketplace. I develop website using Typescript, React.js, Redux, web3.js, Vue.js, Express, Node.js, Laravel and etc. I have developed many successful sites so far with mentioned skills.


Talking about Personal Stuffs:

  • 👨🏽‍💻 I’m currently working as a freelancer on various freelancing platform
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Cloud Computing
  • 📫 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help

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Languages and Tools:

android golang golang golang golang golang python java kotlin golang golang golang

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⭐️ From SmartNinja