
Predict the stock price for next 30 days

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

StockMinder - Stock_Price_prediction

This study employs a deep learning approach to analyse and make predictions on stock prices. The primary objective of this research is to construct a proficient deep-learning model that can forecast stock prices by leveraging historical data. To accomplish this, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks, which are specifically designed for analysing time_series data, are utilized in the model. The project makes use of the Yahoo Finance API to retrieve historical stock data, followed by pre-processing and scaling of the data using the Min Max Scaler. The dataset is then divided into specific training and testing sets, and a sliding window technique is applied to generate input/output sequences for the LSTM model. The model is then trained using the training data and employed to predict stock prices for the upcoming 30 days.

How to run the code?

Step 1: Open any IDE with Python setup already, if not then make it done.
Step 2: Clone this repo open in IDE.
Step 3: Open the terminal in this repo only.
Step 4: Run the requirements.txt file to install all the necessary modules.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 5: At last, run the app1.py file using below command:
streamlit run app1.py

now you will see an interactive interface where you can predict the stock price of any company just by entering the stock ticker.

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