Truffle, React, Redux Toolkit, Web3.js boilerplate

What it's for

Currently, it's a nightmare and takes forever trying to get React working with Truffle, let alone with Redux. This template is made so you can easily bootstrap your project and get developing right away without all the configurations.

Getting Started

2 ways to use:

  1. $ git clone
  2. Use it as a template by clicking the "Use this template" green button on the top right and creating a new repository with it. You can then clone your own repo templated off of this one.

After clone or template:

  1. Once downloaded, run $ npm install to install all dependencies from the folder's main directory.

  2. Next, go into "client" folder and install all the dependencies there.

    cd client
    npm install

More Info

truffle.config file is set to work with Ganache GUI out of the box. All you have to do is connect your contracts to Ganache through Ganache to start developing and testing locally.

Hope you found it helpful!

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