
Build Reactive APIs using Spring Webflux, Reactive MongoDB.

Primary LanguageJava


Build Reactive APIs using Spring Webflux, Reactive MongoDB. For this project to work there are few prerequisites

  1. Installation of mongoDB
  2. Installation of json-server ( for faking server responses)

For MongoDB, use docker to install on your local.Use this link https://www.thepolyglotdeveloper.com/2019/01/getting-started-mongodb-docker-container-deployment/

For installing json-server and how it works refer to this link : https://medium.com/codingthesmartway-com-blog/create-a-rest-api-with-json-server-36da8680136d

This is the db.json file used

         "projectDesc":"Demo project"
         "projectDesc":"Demo project series"
         "projectDesc":"Demo project repeat"

Some other stuff which i find useful are "HTTPie" cli : https://httpie.io/cli. I find it easier when doing simple stuff than curl on cli.