
Take home assignment (Create a react calender to set appointments and show them for the active month)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Take home assignment - Calendar App

Hello! 👋

Congratulations on making it to the second round!

Goal of the task

Your goal here is to build a simple calendar app in React. The app allows users to create appointments for any date and see already created events for the currently active month.

Todo list

  • Create a calendar grid for the given month and year. Make sure that every month starts from the appropriate day of the week.
  • Add a feature that allows users to switch month and year
  • Add highlighting for today's date
  • Add a feature that allows users to create an event.
    • When users click on the day, they should see a "create event" form (e.g. popup) that includes Hour, Minutes, and Event Name fields
    • After users fill in the form, the event data should be saved somewhere on the client side.
  • In the bottom of the calendar, show a list of events for the currently active month only.
    • Events should be sorted by date/time
    • Events should have the following format: "{Day} {Month} {Year} {HH}:{MM} - {EventName}"
  • Make it look right on mobile devices
  • Make a design change to improve the user experience and/or style it according to OneClass design

Set up

npm install
npm start

Then open http://localhost:3000/ to see the app.

Read more: facebook/create-react-app

Additional Notes

  • Using React.js is required
  • You can't use JS calendar libs
  • If you want to use SCSS, just add a src/**/*.scss file. The watcher will find every Sass file in src subdirectories, and create a corresponding CSS file next to it. You can also use any other preprocessor if you want. See Adding a CSS Preprocessor (Sass, Less etc.)

If you're stuck on a bug or something needs clarification you can email Eldar Khalilov for help.

Good Luck! 🚀