
WordPress List Table component for Vue.js

Primary LanguageVue


npm npm vue2

WordPress List Table component for Vue.js.


  • Row Actions with Slot Support
  • Bulk Actions
  • Pagination
  • Custom Column Slot
  • Custom Filter Slot
  • Sorting

Table of contents


npm install --save vue-wp-list-table


Add the component:

import ListTable from 'vue-wp-list-table';
import 'vue-wp-list-table/dist/vue-wp-list-table.css';

export default {
  name: 'Hello',

  components: {

  data () {
    return {

    'title': {
      label: 'Title',
      sortable: true
    'author': {
      label: 'Author'
      id: 1,
      title: 'Wings of Fire: An Autobiography',
      author: ['A.P.J. Abdul Kalam'],
      image: 'https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1295670969l/634583.jpg'
      id: 2,
      title: 'Who Moved My Cheese?',
      author: ['Spencer Johnson', 'Kenneth H. Blanchard'],
      image: 'https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388639717l/4894.jpg'
      id: 3,
      title: 'Option B',
      author: ['Sheryl Sandberg', 'Adam Grant', 'Adam M. Grant'],
      image: 'https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1493998427l/32938155.jpg'
      key: 'edit',
      label: 'Edit'
      key: 'trash',
      label: 'Delete'
      key: 'trash',
      label: 'Move to Trash'
  <template slot="title" slot-scope="data">
    <img :src="data.row.image" :alt="data.row.title" width="50">
    <strong><a href="#">{{ data.row.title }}</a></strong>

  <template slot="filters">
      <option value="All Dates">All Dates</option>

    <button class="button">Filter</button>

  <template slot="author" slot-scope="data">
    {{ data.row.author.join(', ') }}


Property Type Required Default Description
columns Object yes {}
rows Array yes []
notFound String no No items found. Shows if no items are found
index String no id The index identifier of the row
showCb Boolean no true Wheather to show the bulk checkbox in each rows
loading Boolean no false To show the loading effect, pass true
actionColumn String no (empty) Define which is the action column so we could place action items there.
actions Array no [] If you want to show row actions, pass an Array of Objects
bulkActions Array no [] Wheather to show the bulk actions
tableClass String no wp-list-table widefat fixed striped The table classes
totalItems Number no 0 Total count of rows in the database
totalPages Number no 1 How many pages are there for pagination
perPage Number no 20 Items to show per page
currentPage Number no 1 Current page we are in
sortBy String no null The property in data on which to initially sort.
sortOrder String no asc The initial sort order.
text Object no {loading: 'Loading', select_bulk_action: 'Select bulk action', bulk_actions: 'Bulk Actions', items: 'items', apply: 'Apply'} All static text


The table component fires the following events:

action:click: When a row action is clicked, it fires the event. The action name and the current row will be passed.

<!-- template -->

<!-- method -->
methods: {
  onActionClick(action, row) {
    if ( 'trash' === action ) {
      if ( confirm('Are you sure to delete?') ) {
        alert('deleted: ' + row.title);

bulk:click: When a bulk action is performed, this event is fired. The action name and the selected items will be passed as parameters.

<!-- template -->

<!-- method -->
methods: {
  onBulkAction(action, items) {
    console.log(action, items);
    alert(action + ': ' + items.join(', ') );

pagination: When a pagination link is clicked, this event is fired.

<!-- template -->

<!-- method -->
methods: {
  goToPage(page) {
    console.log('Going to page: ' + page);
    this.currentPage = page;

sort: When a sorted column is clicked

<!-- template -->

<!-- method -->
methods: {
  sortCallback(column, order) {
    this.sortBy = column;
    this.sortOrder = order;

    // this.loadItems(comun, order);

Loading via Ajax

<!-- template -->

<!-- method -->
data: {
  return {
    loading: false,
    items: []

created() {

methods: {

  loadItems() {
    let self = this;

    self.loading = true;

    .then(response, function(data) {
      self.loading = false;
      self.items = data;

  goToPage(page) {
    console.log('Going to page: ' + page);
    this.currentPage = page;


⛑ Extra Goodies

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