
Teste para desenvolvedor Full Stack

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Books Project

To run the project on your local environment, first follow the API documentation in this page.

Then, run the React project in your local environment, following this documentation

A Laravel API


As it is build on the Laravel framework, it has a few system requirements.

  • PHP >= 8.0
  • MySql >= 5.7
  • Composer

You can check all the laravel related dependecies here

Running the API

Clone the repository and setup

$ git clone git@github.com:devEzequiel/teste-dev.git
$ cd teste-dev

Then, create the database named books and add them to the .env file.


Then install, migrate, seed, all that jazz:

  1. $ composer install
  2. $ php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  3. $ php artisan key:generate
  4. $ php artisan serve

The API will be running on localhost:8000

API Endpoints and Routes

Access the ìnsomnia file folder to get the Insomnia collection with all routes setted.

Laravel follows the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern I have created models associated with each resource. You can check in the routes/api.php file for all the routes that map to controllers in order to send out JSON data that make requests to our API.

  GET|HEAD  api/v1/books .................................................................................... books.list › Api\V1\BookController@all
  POST      api/v1/books ................................................................................ books.create › Api\V1\BookController@store
  PUT       api/v1/books ................................................................................. books.edit › Api\V1\BookController@update
  GET|HEAD  api/v1/books/{id} ............................................................................ books.detail › Api\V1\BookController@show
  DELETE    api/v1/books/{id} ......................................................................... books.delete › Api\V1\BookController@destroy
  GET|HEAD  api/v1/categories ..................................................................... categories.list › Api\V1\CategoryController@list
  POST      api/v1/categories .................................................................. categories.create › Api\V1\CategoryController@store
  DELETE    api/v1/categories/{id} ........................................................... categories.delete › Api\V1\CategoryController@destroy
  GET|HEAD  api/v1/utils/health-check ............................................................. utils.check › Api\V1\UtilsController@healthCheck
  GET|HEAD  sanctum/csrf-cookie .................................................. sanctum.csrf-cookie › Laravel\Sanctum › CsrfCookieController@show


Some routes are protected by sanctum middleware. To have access, login and use the Bearer Token that will be returned with the json response.