
Bukkit API for interacting with Lunar Client

Primary LanguageJava


LunarClientAPI is a Spigot plugin that allows developers to integrate features with LunarClient.

License: AGPL v3


Unlike the original API, there is no need to add the NetHandler as it's now directly shaded!

Firstly, download the most recent release, drop it in your plugins folder and restart. Then, simply add the dependency to your plugin as follows, replacing [LATEST] with latest version:

repositories {
    url = 'https://jitpack.io/'

dependencies {
    compileOnly 'com.github.PestoNotPasta:LunarClientAPI:[LATEST]'

Don't forget to update your plugin.yml:

depend: [LunarClientAPI]


LunarClientAPI.java is a singleton, you can access it through LunarClientAPI#getInstance().

To check if someone claims to be running the client, and is therefore able to integrate with server features, use LunarClientAPI#isRunningLunarClient(Player|UUID). When the API registers a Player as running Lunar Client, a LCPlayerRegisterEvent is fired. When unregistered, a LCPlayerUnregisterEvent.

You can access a view of org.bukkit.Players currently running the client with: LunarClientAPI#getPlayersRunningLunarClient().


LCPacket.java represents a packet that can be sent to and from players running Lunar Client.

There are protocol events for these, any time a LCPacket is received by the server, a LCPacketReceivedEvent is fired, and likewise, when sent, a LCPacketSentEvent -- both of which let you access but not modify the packet itself, and the sender/target.

Disabling a mod

  • Instantiate a ModSetting that sets the enabled status to false.
  • Send a LCPacketModSettings with ModSettings that affect the mods you wish to disable, like so:
ModSettings.ModSetting disabled = new ModSettings.ModSetting(false, new HashMap<>());

sendPacket(event.getPlayer(), new LCPacketModSettings(
    new ModSettings()
        .addModSetting("Coordinates", disabled)
        .addModSetting("textHotKey", disabled)

Changing a Server Rule

ServerRule.java represents a rule your server sets for each client. You can, for example, enable a quitting confirmation for competitive games by using LunarClientAPIServerRule.setRule(ServerRule.COMPETITIVE_GAME, true). You will still need to send these server rules to users using LunarClientAPIServerRule.sendServerRule(Player) when they join. (This pattern work for all ServerRule)


  • Q: How do I color a Waypoint or Border?
  • A: Use an int which represents the RGB value of the color. Examples: java.awt.Color.BLUE.getRGB() | new java.awt.Color(0, 0, 255).getRGB() -- org.bukkit.Colors can also be used, but since they store the color in hex, you call #asRGB(); for example: org.bukkit.Color.BLUE.asRGB()