Go amqp-fcgi proxy

Service connects to amqp server and consumes messages from specified queue to run php workers using FastCGI connection.

Sample yaml configuration (json supported too):

# descibe amqp connections, if no routes using broker, the connection won't be created
     Id: "main"
     Type: "rabbitmq"
     Host: ""
     User: "guest"
     Password: "guest"

# describe php workers
     Id: "mainworker"
     Type: "fastcgi"
     Host: ""
     Timeout: 5
     ServerProtocol: "HTTP/1.1"
     ScriptName: "/app/process.php"
     ScriptFilename: "/app/process.php"
     RequestUri: "/app/process.php/job/process"

# descibe the routes, define amqp connection with queue to consume from and php worker to process messages 
     Name: "rpc-main" # NOTE! domain-like unique name, used as SERVER_NAME fcgi parameter 
     Broker: "main"
     Worker: "mainworker"
     Queue: "rpc_queue"
     PrefetchCount: 5


  • If amqp delivery contains correlationId and replyTo fields, the result/error recieved from php worker will be published to defined queue.
  • Ampq delivery is acked/nacked after worker job has been finished, result if any have been recieved and reply if defined have been sent
  • Scenario when reply have been published and connection is reset-by-peer before ack/nack is possible. Delivery will be returned to the queue.

run RabbitMQ

docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management

configure queue and add some messages

See job-benchmark-tools

node benchmark.js -h -t 1900 -D 10..3000 -S 1111..30000 -w 1 -c 10 -l 10

run FastCGI server

docker run -d --name php-rabbit-test -p 9000:9000 -v /path/to/dir/with/php-script:/app php:fpm

install and configure

Project is configured to use glide package manager, when running commands add export GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1;

glide install; glide rebuild

run proxy

single-route config:

go run main.go -amqp-host -fcgi-host -lifetime=0 -fcgi-script-filename="/app/process.php" -amqp-prefetch-count 100

use config from file to run multiple routes:

Supported config formats: JSON, TOML, YAML and HCL, see https://github.com/spf13/viper for more

go run main.go -config="config-json"



Create proxy docker container with https://github.com/progrium/entrykit

FastCGI docs
