
In today’s world, data plays a vital role in every industry vertical. Images can be one of the sources of extracting data. An image can be defined as a matrix of pixels, and each pixel represents a color that can be treated as a data value.

Image Processing comes in handy to uncover underlying data from any image. It helps you extract, manipulate, and filter data from an image. The main objective of image processing is to uncover some valuable information from images.

There are various applications of image processing, such as image sharpening, image restoration, pattern recognition, video processing, etc. Most image processing applications come under data analysis and data science.

And when it comes to data analysis, the only language that comes to our mind is Python. It is also the most preferred language for image processing because of its extensive set of libraries, which makes it very easy for developers to perform complex operations using simple lines of code.


1. Python 3

2. Pycharm/ VS code IDE

Python packages

1. PIL

    1.1 Image
    1.2 ImageEnhance
    1.3 ImageFilter
2. os

3. tkinter

    3.1 messagebox

Image processing

This process requires lot of image variations, for any further processing. Taking that into consideration, using python we can automate the process of delivering various modes of images that best suits for any image processing step. Advantage of integrating this idea with python is that we can automate the process, for a bulk no.of images. On carrying out this process, Bulk variations of images can be generated.

Each edits will be stored in different folders, which becomes easier to access and organize. Process of converting images in bulk manner in one click improves the ultimate notion of the process.

Pillow Library

The Python Imaging Library adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter.

This library provides extensive file format support, an efficient internal representation, and fairly powerful image processing capabilities.

The core image library is designed for fast access to data stored in a few basic pixel formats. It should provide a solid foundation for a general image processing tool.