
Missing / Null values in a dataset

  1. When we say a value is missing or is null, we do not mean that the value is an empty string, such as ' ', or a zero value, such as 0 or 0.0. Missing or null means there is no value present at all.

  2. For the survey data we are looking at now, it means the person taking the survey provided no answer. When we are representing our data with a series or a dataframe, we can't simply skip missing values, they must be encoded in some way.

  3. A series with a missing value at the fifth index can't just be one value shorter. It throws off everything. Instead, we need to plug in a special value that represents a missing value so that when we perform operations on the series, nothing goes awry.

  4. For example, if we ask for the mean value of a series of values that contains some missing values, we would not want to sum all the values and then divide them by the length of the series. The length would include the missing values and throw off the mean value.

Handling missing values using python

NaN means Not a Number in pandas library. It is a special floating-point value that is different from NoneType in Python. NaN values can be annoying to work with, especially when you want to filter them out for plots or analysis. To make our lives easier, let’s replace these NaN values with some required value.

Python holds various methods to handle missing values : Pandas library functions

1. fillna( )

This method is used to fill the required data in the missing value cells. there are various paramaters that comes under this method.

   1.1 fillna( ) with value parameter,

Syntax :-

fillna(value = requiredvalue)

   1.2 fillna( ) with method = pad parameter,

This helps to fill the missing values using previous row value


fillna(method = 'pad')

In case of previous column value requirement,


fillna(method='pan',axis = 1)

   1.3 fillna( ) with method = bfill parameter

This is also known as backward fill where the succeding row value is filled in the area of missing values


fillna(method = 'bfill')

In case of suceeding column value requirement,


fillna(method='bfill',axis = 1)

   1.4 fillna( ) with filling desired values seperately for required columns

This is achieved by using the dictionary data type which holds key and value pairs. The key is considered to be the name of the column present in the dataset and value will be considered as the desired value that must be filled in particular keys alone.


fillna({key1 :value1 , Key2 : value2})

   1.5 fillna( ) with central tendency measures - Mean . Median and Mode


fillna(value = df['columnname'].mean())

fillna(value = df['columnname'].median())

fillna(value = df['columnname'].mode())

fillna(value = df['columnname'].min())

fillna(value = df['columnname'].max())

2. Dropping Null values

Dropping null values can be achieved by using dropna( ) method.


**dataframe_name.dropna( ) **

2.1 dropna( ) with how = 'any' parameter

'any' : If any NA values are present, drop that row or column.


dropna(how = 'any')

2.2 dropna( ) with how = 'all' parameter

'all' : If all values are NA, drop that row or column.

2.3 dropna( ) with axis = 0 parameter -  Determine if rows which contain missing values are

axis : {0 or 'index'}, default 0 or 'index' : Drop rows which contain missing values.


dropna(axis = 0)

2.4 dropna( ) with axis = 1 parameter -  Determine if columns which contains missing values are

axis : {1 or 'columns'}, default 0 or 'index' : Drop columns which contain missing values.


dropna(axis = 1)

3. Replace( )

To use this method we must import numpy library in order to identify the nan and to perform replace action.

3.1 replace( )  with  to_replace = 'nan' parameter

This replaces the nan value into desired values

Syntax :-

replace(to_replace = np.nan, value = any desired value)

3.2 replace( ) with to_replace = 'any particular value' parameter

This replaces the particular value with desired value


replace(to_replace = particular value, value = desired value)

4. Interpolate( )

Pandas dataframe.interpolate() function is basically used to fill NA values in the dataframe or series. But, this is a very powerful function to fill the missing values. It uses various interpolation technique to fill the missing values rather than hard-coding the value.


DataFrame.interpolate(method=’linear’, axis=0, limit=None, inplace=False, limit_direction=’forward’, limit_area=None, downcast=None, **kwargs)

Parameters :-

method : {‘linear’, ‘time’, ‘index’, ‘values’, ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’, ‘barycentric’, ‘krogh’, ‘polynomial’, ‘spline’, ‘piecewise_polynomial’, ‘from_derivatives’, ‘pchip’, ‘akima’}