
A basic graphql server

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Game Reviews GraphQL Server

Welcome to the Game Reviews GraphQL Server repository! This project provides a basic GraphQL server for managing and querying game reviews. The server is designed to offer a foundational understanding of setting up a GraphQL API and handling basic operations.


This GraphQL server is built to manage game reviews and related data. It utilizes a mock database to simulate real-world scenarios, enabling you to explore GraphQL concepts without the complexities of a full-fledged application.

Entry Points

The server exposes several entry points for querying and interacting with the data:

Query Types

  • review(id: ID!): Review: Get a specific review by its ID.
  • reviews: [Review]: Get a list of all reviews.
  • game(id: ID!): Game: Get a specific game by its ID.
  • games: [Game]: Get a list of all games.
  • author(id: ID!): Author: Get a specific author by their ID.
  • authors: [Author]: Get a list of all authors.

Mutation Types

  • deleteGame(id: ID!): [Game]: Delete a game by its ID.
  • createGame(input: CreateGameInput!): Game: Create a new game.
  • updateGame(id: ID!, input: UpdateGameInput!): Game: Update an existing game.

Request and Response

When making a request to the GraphQL server, you'll send a query or mutation in the request body. The server processes the query and returns a response with the requested data.

For example, to get all reviews, you can send the following query:

query {
	reviews {
		Game {
		Author {

Running the Server

To run the server, you'll need to have Node.js installed on your machine. Once you have Node.js installed, you can run the following commands to start the server:

npm install
npm start

Next Steps

Now that you have the server up and running, you can start making requests to it. You can use a tool like Postman to send requests to the server. You can also use the GraphQL Playground to explore the server and make requests.

Exploration and Learning

This repository serves as a foundation for learning about GraphQL, setting up a server, and handling basic queries and mutations. Feel free to explore the codebase, experiment with queries and mutations, and build upon this basic server to create more complex applications.