
Todo app using React and Redux.

MIT LicenseMIT


Kanban board using react and redux.

todo (need to sort)

  • setup project using create-react-app
  • modify project setup as per survivejs/react-boilerplate
  • npm run start: start project in auto-reload development mode
  • npm run build: generate docs folder for Github pages.
  • npm run stats: generate statistics about the project
  • npm test: execute all project tests (unit test)
  • npm run test:tdd: test to run watching for changes
  • npm run test:lint: execute ESLint against the code for code styles etc.
  • use airbnb es6 coding standard
  • use travis to run lint, test and deploy
  • continually deploy to devacto.github.io/react-redux-todo
  • badge for dependencies david-dm or something
  • badge for code coverage
  • badge for code climate
  • able to add a task
  • able to edit a task
  • able to delete a task
  • able to create a lane
  • able to delete a lane
  • able to drag and drop a task from one lane to another
  • badge for standard readme
  • add automated tests using saucelabs
  • add saucelabs badge
  • saucelabs for automated functional tests