
Static/Dynamic Filter for Mesh Geometry

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

MeshSDFilter -- Static/Dynamic Filtering for Mesh Geometry

This code implements the mesh normal filtering algorithm from the following paper:

- Juyong Zhang, Bailin Deng, Yang Hong, Yue Peng, Wenjie Qin, Ligang Liu. Static/Dynamic Filtering for Mesh Geometry. arXiv:1712.03574.

1. Compiling

The code requires c++ compiplers with c++11 support. It has been tested on the following systems and compilers:
- Windows 10 using Visual Studio 2015;
- macOS sierra, using homebrew GCC 7, or clang compiler from Xcode 8.3;
- Debian 9.1 using GCC 6.3.

Follow the following steps to compile the code:

1) Make sure Eigen is installed. We recommend version 3.3+.
	- Download Eigen from eigen.tuxfamily.org and extract it into a folder 'eigen' within the 'external' folder. Make sure the file 'external/eigen/Eigen/Dense' can be found 
	- Alternatively: 1) On Ubuntu and Debian, use the command "apt-get install libeigen3-dev" to install Eigen; 2) On macOS, install homebrew (https://brew.sh/) and run "brew install cmake open-mesh eigen". 
2) Create a folder “build” within the root directory of the code

3) Run cmake to generate the build files inside the build folder, and compile the source code:

- On linux or mac, run the following commands within the build folder:
	$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
	$ make
- On mac, the default Apple clang compiler does not support OpenMP. To enable OpenMP, first install the homebrew GCC:
	$ brew install gcc
  This should install gcc 7, with compiler commands gcc-7 and g++7. Then run the following command within the build folder:
	$ make
- On windows, use the cmake GUI to generate a visual studio solution file, and build the solution.

4) Afterwards, there should be two exectuable files 'MeshSDFilter' and 'MeshDenoiser' generated.

2. Usage

Use one of the following commands to filter or denoise a mesh:
- INPUT_MESH and OUTPUT_MESH are mesh files for input and result.
- OPTION_FILE is a file that specifies the parameters. Example files for filtering and denoising are provided in FilteringOptions.txt and DenoisingOptions.txt .

3. License

The code is released under BSD 3-Clause License.

4. Contact

Feel free to contact Bailin Deng <bldeng@gmail.com> if you have any comments or questions.