
Elobuddy Addons made by Hesa

#AutoShop The AutoShop addon will auto buy/sell items for you according to the profile. If no profile exist for this champion, a "Generic" profile will be loaded.

In order to create a specifiq profile for a champion you must name it like this: Aatrox_TwistedTreeline or like this: Aatrox_SummonersRift It must be stored in "%appdata%\Elobuddy\AutoShop"

#AutoShopGUI This software allow you to create build profile outside the game and specify the buy/sell order. You can edit the generics build and your custom profile using this software.

#AutoBuddyTreeline-NoShopping Just an edited version of AutoBuddyTreeline to prevent conflict with buying items ( Which actually was not working properly. )

#AutoBuddyPlus Just an edited version of AutoBuddyPlus it use my own shopping system. So you dont need Autoshop enabled with AB+
