
Type classes are an effective (and popular) design pattern in Scala for developing beautiful APIs.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Type Class Tech Talk

Type classes represent an effective (and popular) design pattern in Scala that is useful for developing beautiful APIs. They also allow you to accomplish type-system feats that wouldn't otherwise be possible in Scala.

What is a type class?

In Scala, a type class is a trait that defines functionality associated with one or more types --- but is unrelated to the type hierarchy of those types.

And now you're thinking WTF? Well it's actually pretty simple --- English is just a bad language for discussing type classes.

For example, Scala's Ordering trait is a type class, while the Ordered trait is not.

Here is a simplified defintion of the Ordering type class, taken from "Type Classes as Objects and Implicits":

trait Ordering[T] {
  // returns x <= y
  def compare(x: T, y: T): Boolean
  final def equal(x: T, y: T): Boolean = compare(x, y) && compare(y, x)

Contrast that trait with this simplified definition of Ordered, which is not a type class:

trait Ordered[T] {
  // returns this <= that
  def compare(that: T): Boolean
  final def equal(that: T): Boolean = compare(that) && that.compare(this)

Ordered is not a type class because a type T must subclass Ordered to acquire its functionality.

Why are type classes nice?

Type classes are nice because they allow you to define functionality associated with types, without needing to affect the type hierarchy of those types. This feature has numerous practical benefits.

Perhaps most importantly you can add functionality to a type without modifying its class definition or its type hierarchy.

Let's use Ordering versus Ordered as a concrete example. Say you are using a third-party class Employee to represent employees:

class Employee(val id: Long)

By default, you can't sort a list of Employee objects because the designer of the Employee class didn't subclass Ordered[Employee]. One way you could solve this problem is by defining:

class OrderedEmployee(id: Long) extends Employee(id) with Ordered[OrderedEmployee] {
  def compare(that: OrderedEmployee) = id <= that.id

But this design isn't ideal, because it violates the intended semantics of the subclass relationship; OrderedEmployee isn't truly a type of Employee. Rather, it is an Employee with some extra functionality jerry-rigged on.

If the third-party library already has subclasses of Employee, say Manager and Temp, then you can't just inject OrderedEmployee in between Employee and its subclasses.

The better solution is to implement Ordering for Employee objects:

class EmployeeOrdering[T <: Employee] extends Ordering[T] {
    def compare(x: T, y: T) = x.id <= y.id

Now you can order every type of Employee without modifying the original Employee class, nor modifying the type hierarchy for Employee classes.

Divergence from traditional OOP design

Type classes represent a divergence from traditional objected-oriented design. One of the central tenets of OOP design is the unification of data structures (fields) and functionality (methods) into classes.

Type classes provide an elegant and extensible mechanism for divorcing data structures from the functionality relating to those data structures.

How to make type classes convenient

Why haven't type classes caught on as much? I think it's because in languages such as Java, type classes are inconvenient. To illustrate this inconvenience, let's implement a few instances of the Ordering type class using Java-style programmming.

Bad: Java-style type classes

object IntOrdering extends Ordering[Int] {
  override def compare(x: Int, y: Int) = x <= y
object StrOrdering extends Ordering[String] {
  override def compare(x: String, y: String) = x <= y
class ListOrdering[T](subOrder: Ordering[T]) extends Ordering[List[T]] {
  final override def compare(x: List[T], y: List[T]) = (x, y) match {
    case (headX :: tailX, headY :: tailY) =>
      if (subOrder.equal(headX, headY)) {
        compare(tailX, tailY)
      } else {
        subOrder.compare(headX, headY)
    case (Nil, _) => true
    case (_, Nil) => false

Here's how you would use these classes in the style of Java programming.

def uglyExample() = {
  val listIntOrdering = new ListOrdering[Int]()(IntOrdering)
  val listStrOrdering = new ListOrdering[String]()(StrOrdering)
  println(IntOrdering.compare(-5, 10))
  println(listIntOrdering.compare(List(1,2,4), List(1,2,3)))
  println(listStrOrdering.compare(List("a","b","c"), List("a","b","c","d")))

Which would print:


The client code is ugly and inconvenient because of all the tedious boiler plate. You can't just compare two values; you must first manually construct Ordering objects. If you have even deeper-nested structures, it gets even uglier as the next example shows.

An even uglier Java-style example

Let's first define Ordering classes for 2-tuples and 3-tuples (this is not the ugly part):

class Tup2Ordering[A, B](subOrderA: Ordering[A], subOrderB: Ordering[B]) extends Ordering[(A, B)] {
  override def compare(x: (A, B), y: (A, B)) =
    if (subOrderA.equal(x._1, y._1)) {
      subOrderB.compare(x._2, y._2)
    } else {
      subOrderA.compare(x._1, y._1)
class Tup3Ordering[A, B, C](subOrderA: Ordering[A], subOrderBC: Ordering[(B, C)])
    extends Ordering[(A, B, C)] {
  override def compare(x: (A, B, C), y: (A, B, C)) =
    if (subOrderA.equal(x._1, y._1)) {
      subOrderBC.compare((x._2, x._3), (y._2, y._3))
    } else {
      subOrderA.compare(x._1, y._1)

Now let's use these orderings to compare a complex data structure (this is the ugly part).

def evenUglierExample() = {
  val listStrOrdering = new ListOrdering[String]()(StrOrdering)
  val pairOrdering = new Tup2Ordering[Int, List[String]]()(IntOrdering, listStrOrdering)
  val tripleOrdering = new Tup3Ordering[String, Int, List[String]]()(StrOrdering, pairOrdering)
  val complexOrdering = new ListOrdering[(String, Int, List[String])]()(tripleOrdering)
  val complexA = List(("a", 5, List("x", "y")), ("b", 11, List("p", "q")))
  val complexB = List(("a", 5, List("x", "y")), ("b", 11, List("p")))
  println(complexOrdering.compare(complexA, complexB))

Which would print:


Good: Scala-style type classes

In contrast, our client code will look beautiful once we modify the Ordering type class to exploit a common design pattern in Scala.

def beautifulExample() = {
  println(Ordering.compare(-5, 10))
  println(Ordering.compare(List(1,2,4), List(1,2,3)))
  println(Ordering.compare(List("a","b","c"), List("a","b","c","d")))
  val complexA = List(("a", 5, List("x", "y")), ("b", 11, List("p", "q")))
  val complexB = List(("a", 5, List("x", "y")), ("b", 11, List("p")))
  println(Ordering.compare(complexA, complexB))

Notice you don't need to manually construct Ordering objects! Nor specify any types!

Instead, you just ask the Ordering object to compare two values, and it automagically figures everything out.

How do you do you accomplish this feat? It's easy; just make all the type classes implicit and define an Ordering companion object.

First, setup a companion object for Ordering

Define the Ordering companion object so that it mirrors the functionality of the Ordering type class.

object Ordering {
  def compare[T](x: T, y: T)(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Boolean = ord.compare(x, y)
  def equal[T](x: T, y: T)(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Boolean = ord.equal(x, y)

Now you can do:

implicit val intOrdering = new IntOrdering

This style of implicits is so common (because of type classes) that Scala provides a shorthand syntax, called Context Bounds, which can be used here:

object Ordering {
  def compare[T: Ordering](x: T, y: T): Boolean = implicitly[Ordering[T]].compare(x, y)
  def equal[T: Ordering](x: T, y: T): Boolean = implicitly[Ordering[T]].equal(x, y)

The type parameter [T: Ordering] means T can be any type as long as there is an implicit Ordering[T] object available. You can read it as T "has a" Ordering.

Second, modify the type-class implementations to use implicits

Modify the implementation for ListOrdering so that subOrder is an implicit value.

class ListOrdering[T: Ordering] extends Ordering[List[T]] {
  final override def compare(x: List[T], y: List[T]) = (x, y) match {
    case (headX :: tailX, headY :: tailY) =>
      if (Ordering.equal(headX, headY)) {
        compare(tailX, tailY)
      } else {
        Ordering.compare(headX, headY)
    case (Nil, _) => true
    case (_, Nil) => false

Notice how the context-bounds syntax comes in handy here. When the compare method invokes Ordering.compare(headX, headY) the implicit Ordering[T] object gets implicitly passed around. And because of the context-bounds syntax, we never had to give the implicit Ordering[T] value a name (which would be pointless since it's implicit).

In a similar way, modify Tup2Ordering and Tup3Ordering.

class Tup2Ordering[A: Ordering, B: Ordering] extends Ordering[(A, B)] {
  override def compare(x: (A, B), y: (A, B)) =
    if (Ordering.equal(x._1, y._1)) {
      Ordering.compare(x._2, y._2)
    } else {
      Ordering.compare(x._1, y._1)
class Tup3Ordering[A, B, C](implicit aOrd: Ordering[A], bcOrd: Ordering[(B, C)])
    extends Ordering[(A, B, C)] {
  override def compare(x: (A, B, C), y: (A, B, C)) =
    if (Ordering.equal(x._1, y._1)) {
      Ordering.compare((x._2, x._3), (y._2, y._3))
    } else {
      Ordering.compare(x._1, y._1)

Lastly, add implicit Ordering implementations into the Ordering companion object

object Ordering {
  def compare[T: Ordering](x: T, y: T): Boolean = implicitly[Ordering[T]].compare(x, y)
  def equal[T: Ordering](x: T, y: T): Boolean = implicitly[Ordering[T]].equal(x, y)

  implicit val intOrdering: Ordering[Int] = new IntOrdering
  implicit val strOrdering: Ordering[String] = new StrOrdering
  implicit def listOrdering[T: Ordering]: Ordering[List[T]] = new ListOrdering
  implicit def tup2Ordering[A: Ordering, B: Ordering]: Ordering[(A, B)] = new Tup2Ordering
  implicit def tup3Ordering[A: Ordering, B: Ordering, C: Ordering]: Ordering[(A, B, C)] = new Tup3Ordering

The Ordering implementations are now always implicitly in scope because they are defined inside the Ordering companion object.

Beautiful Scala-style client code

And we're done. You can now use the Ordering API as we showed earlier:

def beautifulExample() = {
  println(Ordering.compare(-5, 10))
  println(Ordering.compare(List(1,2,4), List(1,2,3)))
  println(Ordering.compare(List("a","b","c"), List("a","b","c","d")))
  val complexA = List(("a", 5, List("x", "y")), ("b", 11, List("p", "q")))
  val complexB = List(("a", 5, List("x", "y")), ("b", 11, List("p")))
  println(Ordering.compare(complexA, complexB))

Client code should also use the context-bounds syntax to access Ordering functionality. For example:

def min[T: Ordering](items: T*) : Option[T] =
  items.reduceOption{ (a, b) =>
    if (Ordering.compare(a, b)) a else b
def printMin[T: Ordering](a: T, b: T) = println(min(a, b))
def beautifulExample() = {
  printMin(-5, 10)
  printMin(List(1,2,4), List(1,2,3))
  printMin(List("a","b","c"), List("a","b","c","d"))
  printMin(complexA, complexB)

Which would print:

Some(List(1, 2, 3))
Some(List(a, b, c))
Some(List((a,5,List(x, y)), (b,11,List(p))))


Type classes provide an elegant form of composability.

For example we can just as easily compare two-dimensional lists (of type List[List[Int]]) as we can one-dimensional lists. The same goes for complex structures such as List[(String, (Int, String), List[String])].

If you understand how comparison works for each of the individual components of a complex data structure, then you will always understand the semantics of comparison for the complete data structure.


Scala-style type classes have several several pain points, which I believe stem from the fact that type classes are not a first-class language feature, but rather than a design pattern implemented on top of implicits

  1. Ugly code. While type classes enable client code to be beautiful, the type classes themselves tend to be ugly. For example, the Ordering companion object is essentially all boiler plate.

  2. Debugging. Implicits, and therefore type classes, can be annoying to debug. For example, if you are trying to automatically compose an Ordering object, but one of the Orderings is missing (say tup2Ordering is commented out in the Ordering companion object) you would get this unhelpful error message:

    OrderingDemo.scala:30: error: diverging implicit expansion for type Ordering[A]
    starting with method tup3Ordering in object Ordering
        new Tup3Ordering
    one error found

    Or, if tup3Ordering is commented out, you would get this unhelpful error message:

    OrderingDemo.scala:121: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type
    Ordering[List[(java.lang.String, Int, List[java.lang.String])]]
       compare(complexA, complexB)
    one error found

    There are a number of ways to cope with these debugging issues. For one, you can annotate your type classes with @implicitNotFound, which translates "could not find implicit value for evidence parameter" compiler-error messages into custom error messages.

    To deal with an implicit-not-found error, it's often helpful to manually construct type-class objects (à la Java-style programming). This way, you can hone in on exactly what is missing or going wrong.

  3. Scope. When you are writing your own type classes it is simple enough to put your type-class implementations in scope; just put them in the companion object for the type class (as in our Ordering example). But what do you do if you are working with a 3rd party type class and you can't modify their companion object? It can be annoying to import your type class implementations every time you need them. One option is to put your implicits in your package objects, so your type classes are always in scope for that package.

    Another scoping problem is that Scala's rules for implicit scopes and priorities are complex. I believe the only place these rules are fully documented is in The Scala Language Specification (see page 105), which can be rather unintelligible for the uninitiated.

    You can navigate the maze of scoping rules by following common design patterns. As our example shows, the companion object is a nice place to define implicits. You can also control the "priority" of implicits by placing "low priority" implicits in a super trait, and "higher priority" implicits in sub classes. See for example LowPriorityOrderingImplicits in the Scala standard library.

The designers of Scala are aware of these issues. In fact, it seems they made a conscious design decision to build type classes on top of implicits rather than making them a first-class feature. The benefit of this design is that type classes are more powerful. Languages such as Haskell (which features first-class type classes) have less powerful type classes. As an example of the extra power with Scala type classes, you can define multiple implementations for Ordering[Int] and control which one is used by either implicit scoping or by explicit parameter passing. You can read more on this topic in "Type Classes as Objects and Implicits".

Please file an issue or send me a pull request if you have other criticisms and tips for workarounds.

Learn more

  • The Scala Standard Library makes heavy use of type classes. See for example CanBuildFrom, Numeric, and Equiv.
  • Twitter's Flag library which uses type classes to parse command-line arguments.
  • Algebird, which uses type classes to define algebras over data structures.
  • Bijection, which uses type classes to define ways to convert data-structure pairs, back and forth.


Please file issues and send pull requests. Thank you for your valuable feedback!