
Nft Minting-transaction with artist / distributor royalties payment simulation using Javascript and Ganache environment.

Primary LanguageSolidity


Nft Minting-transaction with artist / distributor royalties payment simulation using Javascript and Ganache environment.

Technology Stack & Tools

  • Solidity (Writing Smart Contract)
  • Javascript (React & Testing)
  • Web3 (Blockchain Interaction)
  • Truffle (Development Framework)
  • Ganache (For Local Blockchain)

Requirements For Initial Setup

  • Install NodeJS, should work with any node version below 16.5.0
  • Install Truffle, In your terminal, you can check to see if you have truffle by running truffle version. To install truffle run npm i -g truffle. Ideal to have truffle version 5.4 to avoid dependency issues.
  • Install Ganache.

Setting Up

1. Clone/Download the Repository

2. Install Dependencies:

$ cd Nft_Royalties_Example
$ npm install 

3. Start Ganache

4. Migrate Smart Contracts

$ truffle migrate --reset

5. Run Tests

$ truffle test

6. Run Sale Script

$ truffle exec ./scripts/perform_sale.js