
This is a repository for my very first website

Primary LanguageHTML

My First Cloud9 Project

This is the first project that I created in the Cloud9 editor. This project was created to display the technologies that I have learnt so far in this program, in a small little dashboard. The purpose of this is so that we get an understanding of how to find our way around the Cloud9 editor.

Check it out the Live deployment project here : https://devancadman.github.io/my-first-website/

Technologies Used

In this project we used some simple HTML5 and CSS3 to build the project, and we wrote our code using the Cloud9 IDE. We then Hosted the site on Github Pages.

What I covered while building this website:

  • Cloud9
  • Command-line interface
  • Command-line Commands: ls, cd, mkdir, touch, cp, pwd, mv, rm, nano, cat, diff, clear.
  • Git Basics
  • Git commands: echo, git init, git status, git add, git commit, git add ., git rm, git diff, git log, git reset, .gitignore file, git remote, git push, git pull.
  • GitHub and incorporating the command line.
  • The purpose and use of a README.md file.
Image Links & Links imported From:
  • wikipedia.org
  • github.githubassets.com
  • imgmr.com
  • w3.org
  • sololearn.com
  • freebiesupply.com