A dogmatic and declarative redux store manager
npm install redux-dogma
The redux-dogma project is a redux abstraction for rapid prototypes with a few goals in mind. First, is to have a strong typing abstraction for redux. All actions have typed payloads and reducer structures are propagated to the action handlers. The next goal is to ditch the switch
. Low-level redux code makes following actions through code difficult, this is, in part, because reducers have to be mentally mapped to actions rather than being colocated. Finally, last goal was to remove as much boilerplate as possible.
This package is not a one size fits all solution to redux development. It comes built in with redux-saga which is overkill for most applications.
import * as React from 'react';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { createStoreAbstraction } from 'redux-dogma';
import { sliceExample } from './slices/sliceExample';
const store = createStoreAbstraction()
.addSlice(sliceExample) // add all the created slices to the store
.lockSideEffects() // call lockSideEffects once all slices have been added
.getStore(); // getStore returns a store object from the abstraction
// If you're using redux add it to the provider as usual
const reduxProvider = ({ children }) => {
return <Provider store={store}>{children}</Provider>;
export default reduxProvider;
type DieState = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
const dieStates: DieState[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
interface ReducerStructure {
die1: DieState;
die2: DieState;
hasRolled: boolean;
export const diceSlice = createSlice<ReducerStructure>('dice', { die1: 1, die2: 1, hasRolled: false });
Reducers use immer under the hood. There are pros and cons that come with this. Immutability is free out of the box but there isn't any way to opt out of immutability in this library. Also, because of this slices must be an object in order to maintain the proxy reference.
If you're using typescript, types are propagated from the slice creation and the createAction method call to action handler. If your action doesn't have a payload, use the createSimpleAction
export const rollDice = diceSlice.createSimpleAction('ROLL_DICE', (draft) => {
const randomIndex1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 7776 - 1) % 6;
const randomIndex2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 7776 - 1) % 6;
draft.die1 = dieStates[randomIndex1];
draft.die2 = dieStates[randomIndex2];
draft.hasRolled = true;
interface CheatAction {
die: 1 | 2;
value: DieState;
export const cheat = diceSlice.createAction<CheatAction>('CHEAT', (draft, payload) => {
if (payload.die === 1) {
draft.die1 = payload.value;
} else {
draft.die2 = payload.value;
import { createAction } from 'redux-dogma';
export const resetDice = createAction('RESET_DICE');
// From dice slice
import { resetDice } from './sharedActions';
diceSlice.addAction(resetDice, (draft) => {
draft.die1 = 1;
draft.die2 = 1;
draft.hasRolled = false;
// From other slice
exampleSlice.addAction(resetDice, (draft) => {
draft.diceColorPreference = null;
Side effects use redux-saga.
import { effects } from 'redux-saga';
const tryToCheat = diceSlice.createSideEffect<DieState>("ATTEMPT_CHEAT", function(action)* {
const succeed: boolean = !!!Math.round(Math.random());
if(succeed) {
yield effects.put(cheat(action.payload))
} else {
yield effects.put(rollDice());
export const changeNickName = createAction<{ nickName: string }>('CHANGE_NICKNAME');
slice.addAction(changeNickName, (draft, payload) => {
state.nickName = payload;
slice.addSideEffect(changeNickName, function* (action) {
const response = yield postChangeNickname(action.payload);
Selectors use the reselect library. Type selection is also propagated from the slice.
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
const rawSelector = diceSlice.selectState();
const redDie1 = createSelector([rawSelector], (state) => state.die1);
import { createSlice } from 'redux-dogma';
import { diceSlice } from './diceSlice';
import { scoreSlice } from './scoreSlice';
export const sliceExample = createSlice('parentSliceExample').addSlice(stateSlice).addSlice(scoreSlice);