
Feedback System for College Faculties which lets them take anonymous feedback from students.

Primary LanguagePHP



In Feedback form the faculty members will create feedback form as per the requirements and it will be assigned to users as per the Unique ID’s assigned by faculty. The student will provide feedback using their Unique ID’s and their feedback will be anonymously recorded and their identity won’t be revealed to faculty. The faculty members can analyse the feedback given to them and they can figure out which student hasn’t given the feedback so that it would be easier for faculty members to get feedback from most of the students. The Head of Department can view which faculty has made the feedback form and can see the student who hadn’t replied to that form.


  • To obtain accurate results.
  • To provide anonymous feedback.
  • To manage student’s information, faculty information and feedback information.
  • To provide feedback to faculties of lectures in order to improve delivery and content of study.
  • To manage all the feedback at one place.


  • Upload all the files on server using ftp.
  • Installation page will come up, the administrator needs to fill the details of admin username and password and the credentials of database.
  • That's it. Press install button and you are good to go.

Roles and Functions

If Faculty has logged in.

  • Faculty member can create a feedback form.
  • They can add questions as per the requirements.
  • They can add the students roll number to assign the feedback form.
  • If the feedback is provided by students then faculty can see the results and can check which student hasn’t given the feedback.

If Student has logged in.

  • Students can check for latest feedback form provided by students.
  • If the hasn’t given the feedback they need to do.
  • If feedback is provided then they need to logout from the portal.

Project Screenshot

Project Screenshot

Database Schema

Project Screenshot