Hey, I'm Devangi!

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Hey folks, I'm Devangi Purkayastha, a Software Engineer and Machine Learning / Deep Learning aficionado 🚀. I'm proficient in C++, Java, Python, Data Structures and Algorithms, Problem-Solving, SQL, Machine Learning, Deep Learning. I've worked extensively on projects using TensorFlow, Keras and PyTorch deep-learning libraries and am familiar with Flask and Streamlit. Besides, I'm also an ardent technical writer and would love to collaborate on ML/DL research papers/projects. I look forward to absorbing knowledge🧠, gaining experience 🏭, collaborating🤝, growing 🌱, upskilling and building impactful software through my work! Please feel free to reach out and talk about ideas!

More about me:

  • 💻 I’m a Software Engineer @vmware with tremendous passion for Software Development and Artificial Intelligence;
  • 💪 Ask me about Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Research, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Networks, Operating Systems;
  • 💬 Worked as a Software Engineer Intern @Dell Technologies
  • 📚 Worked as an Undergraduate Researcher @Samsung PRISM
  • 🎈 I'm a Global Ambassador at WomenTech Network.
  • 🤝 I'd be up for long conversations over coffee about various topics ranging from software development, finance, economics to fitness and fashion;
  • ⚡️ Fun-Fact: I had a major career transition from being a Biology student to becoming a Software Engineer 😅. I love Grey's Anatomy, Money Heist, running, cooking, coffee and almost everything with a dark theme! I'm also a big-time foodie :p
  • If interested, do check out my blogs in Medium : devangipurkayastha.medium.com
  • 📫 Reach out to me: devangidp2000@gmail.com

Languages and Tools:

Python VS Code Bootstrap NodeJS MySQL Unity Github Git Terminal Linux Windows Windows C C CPP HTML CSS Numpy Pandas Keras PyTorch

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