
A simple Server/Client implementation of a screen sharing application done with Python3

Primary LanguagePython


A simple Server/Client implementation of a screen sharing application done with Python3.
The TCP/UDP application works on Windows 10 and TCP application works on MacOS Mojave Version 10.14.6.
Please note that there may still be some bugs with one to many connections as this is still under development


  • OpenCv
  • Mss
  • Numpy
  • Tkinter
  • Pickle
  • Zlib

You can install the requirements with the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Execution Arguments

You will need to get the hostname of your computer. You can do this by executing the following command in a Windows/MacOS terminal.

  • TCPServer.py

    • The default port assigned is 12345
    • The default type assigned is THREAD
    • The default compression_level assigned is 1
    • The default screen capture resolution is 720 x 480
    • The default full screen option assigned is 0 (no full screen).
      port := any available port
      type := LIST | THREAD
      compression_level := [1-6]
      full_screen := 0 | 1

      python3 TCPServer.py
      python3 TCPServer.py port type
      python3 TCPServer.py port type compression_level
      python3 TCPServer.py port type compression_level full_screen
  • TCPClient.py

    • There are no default assignments. You need to pass the hostname and port as arguments.

      python3 TCPClient.py hostname port
  • UDPServer.py

    • The default port assigned is 12345
    • The default screen capture resolution is 720 x 480
      port := any available port

      Available Commands
      python3 UDPServer.py
      python3 UDPServer.py [port]
      python3 UDPServer.py [host] [port]
      python3 UDPServer.py r [width] [height]
      python3 UDPServer.py [host] [port] [width] [height]
  • UDPClient.py
    python3 UDPClient.py
    python3 UDPClient.py [host]
    python3 UDPClient.py [host] [port]