
It displays web page of user-entered html, css, and javascript code. As the changes are committed in the code, corresponding changes occur in displayed web page alongside.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It displays web page of user-entered html, css, and javascript code. As the changes are committed in the code, corresponding changes occur in displayed web page alongside.

  • It stores entire content of a web page in url.
  • The main page takes encoded data from the URL, decodes it into regular web page format, and displays it to the user.
  • It also contain features such as:
    • Shareable link: The editor encodes user-created web page data and generates a link by storing the encoded data in the hash portion of the url. "tinyurl.com" shortens this long link and provides us with a short shareable link that will not break in email postings and never expires.
    • Open user-created web page as a seperate webpage.
    • Can copy the user-entered html, css and javascript accumulated together as a single file code.
    • Download the code of user-created web page.