
A list of Awesome Bughunting oneliners , collected from the various sources

Primary LanguagePython

Awesome Bughunting Oneliners

A list of bughunting one liners

Content Discovery/Recon :

1 . Using dns.bufferover.run

curl -s https://dns.bufferover.run/dns?q=.example.com |jq -r .FDNS_A[]|cut -d',' -f2|sort -u

2 . Using Crt.sh

curl -s https://dns.bufferover.run/dns?q=.hackerone.com |jq -r .FDNS_A[]|cut -d',' -f2|sort -u

3 . Using Certspotter

curl https://certspotter.com/api/v0/certs\?domain\=example.com | jq '.[].dns_names[]' | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | uniq

4 . Using Certspotter (With port scanning)

curl https://certspotter.com/api/v0/certs\?domain\=example.com | jq '.[].dns_names[]' | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | uniq | dig +short -f - | uniq | nmap -T5 -Pn -sS -i - -p 80,443,21,22,8080,8081,8443 --open -n -oG -

5 . Sublist3r One Liner

. <(cat domains | xargs -n1 -i{} python sublist3r.py -d {} -o {}.txt)

6 . Grab Titles of webpages

for i in $(cat Webservers.txt ); do echo "$i | $(curl --connect-timeout 0.5 $i -so - | grep -iPo '(?<=<title>)(.*)(?=</title>)')"; done 

7 . Enumerate hosts from SSL Certificate

echo | openssl s_client -connect https://targetdomain.com:443 | openssl x509 -noout -text | grep DNS

8 . Google DNS via HTTPS

echo "targetdomain.com" | xargs -I domain proxychains curl -s "https://dns.google.com/resolve?name=domain&type=A" | jq .

9 . CommonCrawl to find endpoints on a site

echo "targetdomain.com" | xargs -I domain curl -s "http://index.commoncrawl.org/CC-MAIN-2018-22-index?url=*.domain&output=json" | jq -r .url | sort -u

10 . Using WebArchive

curl -s "http://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx?url=*.hackerone.com/*&output=text&fl=original&collapse=urlkey" |sort| sed -e 's_https*://__' -e "s/\/.*//" -e 's/:.*//' -e 's/^www\.//' | uniq

11 . Using ThreatCrowd

curl https://www.threatcrowd.org/searchApi/v2/domain/report/?domain=hackerone.com |jq .subdomains |grep -o '\w.*hackerone.com'

12 . Using Hackertarget

curl https://api.hackertarget.com/hostsearch/?q=hackerone.com | grep -o '\w.*hackerone.com'

13 . Bruteforce Subdomains

while read sub; do if host "$sub.example.com" &> /dev/null; then echo "$sub.example.com"; fi; done < wordslist.txt

14 . Assetfinder

assetfinder http://hackerone.com > recon.txt; for d in $(<recon.txt); do $(cutycapt --url=$d --out=$d.jpg --max-wait=100000); done

Note :

These oneliners are collected from different sources , Credits to the respesctive authors

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