This is a project for **UHack **
We made this Project for Analysing Parkinson's Disease by fun games.
A very cool feature in this project is using Computer Vision to track your hand using webcam and control the Basket in The Game COLLECT COINS
In order to run this project you need
* Node JS
* MongoDB
* Python ( Modules required in in routes directory)
In order to run this repo
git clone <repo>
cd <repo>
To Set Up the Local MongoDB
* sudo service mongod start
* mongod --repair
In order to run this app, Open terminal in this directory
PORT=<your port no> node app.js
In order to set up the Video and Audio chat, you need to modify the host address in chat.ejs
in directory views
Open in your favourite browser and open link
https://<your host address>:<your PORT>
For finding your host address , type in your terminal
ifconfig for LINUX/OSX
ipconfig for WINDOWS
You will find this address in inet addr
This Project is by:- @nshul , @parimatrix , @rohit1576 , @anshul98ks123