
  1. Samplesort-vs-quicksort on My Centos box.
  2. Implement FFD(or some RSI based email/whatsapp notifications) for 1 inst. using AWS lambda free tier(or MKJ-FFD). Scrapped as aws used in mfmirror.
  3. Implement
  4. Implement Zerodha statement analyzer tool in python. Done
  5. Rewamp portfolio page from the create react app project. Done
  6. Benchmark Redis and publish results.
  7. Explore support of LRU ls cache in js. Scrapped
  8. TODO: graphql project.
  9. TODO: Implement a go server-client application. Scrapped 19. handles this.
  10. Implement wows aiming mod.
  11. Find the optimal nifty PE based investment strategy. Evaluate vanila strategy. Scrapped smart-investor, TODO(devansh): Explore price based strategy as PE based strategy seems to be overfitting.
  12. Nifty PE chrome extention. Scrapped
  13. Please do asap. Scrapped Don't have time.
  14. Get the certificate for aws serverless course before starting the cloud computing part 2. Scrapped, no need of serverless course. did the complete aws cloud instead.
  15. smart-investor Committed
  16. Build a go vpn server, and have local configuration for the vpn client. SCrapped,
  17. Create a readme primer on nutrition and learnings so far, on medium.
  18. tiktok trending videos uploader(programatically) account.
  19. A go-grpc and flutter webapp(seedr with local storage and heroku as the network). Scrapped similar project
  20. mfmirror. Done
  21. Extract texts from pdf books/articles/problems and convert them into audiobooks/solutions/oneline reading. Scrapped because of zoomzar.
  22. Convert 21). into youtube video running pages.
  23. Implement a temporary email service.
  24. Evaluate about implementing an android app for youtube content conversion.
  25. Evaluate making wows stats site. Scrapped does is so much better.
  26. SMS viwer like web app.
  27. Movie Trailers youtube upload channel.
  28. Do for stripe api.
  29. Tableau public nifty visualizations using google finance data.
  30. Make self adjusting smallcase to mirror mutual funds.
  31. free cult live webapp. scrapped as there are many on demand youtube videos.
  32. harperdb vs heroku postgres free tier
  33. ripoff using IBM cloud functions.
  34. news api unlocked using elasticsearch free dyno.