React Profile


The project uses the Github API and utilizes the browser's localStorage for persistence. The following instructions will give you a copy of the project on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Its a fully customizable portfolio page, whose content is completely controled by config.json file. Just change the details appropriately and your webpage is ready to be deployed.

The Competition

This project is actually the result of competition me and my brother( had for who makes a better portfolio page. We both shared the ideas and hence both ended up using the github APIs. Feel free to comment in issues.


Make sure you have NodeJS (v13.0.1 or higher) and npm (v6.12.0 or higher) installed.

How to build

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Install all dependencies using npm install.
  3. Change the user details in config.json, and the logo public/favicon.ico as desired.
  4. Start the project by running npm start.
  5. Publish the changes to your github portfolio page using npm run deploy.


Customize the appearence of your repoositories on Projects section of the page by placing a logo.png(preferably a 256 x 256 png file with transparent backround) in their master branch. If no logo file is found, then the repository image is choosen based on the programming language used.

Prettier and Precommit Hooks

Prettier is used for automatic code formatting. It's executed on every commit using a precommit hook.


Pull Requests and Suggestions are highly recommended.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - check the LICENSE for details.