An experiment to render React class components that use React hooks in their render. (Made for fun, not recommended to be used). Install via @devanshj/class-with-hooks
npm module.
Now you can write the following Foo
import Re from "react"
import withHooks from "@devanshj/class-with-hooks"
const Foo = withHooks(class Foo extends Re.Component {
state = { b: 0 }
increment = () => this.setState(s => ({ b: s.b + 1 }))
componentDidMount = () => void (this.intervalId = setInterval(this.increment, 2000))
componentWillUnmount = () => clearInterval(this.intervalId)
render = () => {
let a = useCounter(1000)
return `a = ${a}, b = ${this.state.b}`
const useCounter = t => {
let [a, increment] = Re.useReducer(x => x + 1, 0)
Re.useEffect(() => {
let i = setInterval(increment, t)
return () => clearInterval(i)
}, [])
return a
And it'll render as if it were the following Foo
import Re from "react"
const Foo = props => {
let a = useCounter(1000)
return <FooWithoutHooks a={a} {...props}/>
class FooWithoutHooks extends Re.Component {
state = { b: 0 }
increment = () => this.setState(s => ({ b: s.b + 1 }))
componentDidMount = () => void (this.intervalId = setInterval(this.increment, 2000))
componentWillUnmount = () => clearInterval(this.intervalId)
render = () => {
return `a = ${this.props.a}, b = ${this.state.b}`
const useCounter = t => {
let [a, increment] = Re.useReducer(x => x + 1, 0)
Re.useEffect(() => {
let i = setInterval(increment, t)
return () => clearInterval(i)
}, [])
return a
See the test.
Support more class features. Currently only
are supported. -
An option to render hooks as descendants of the class. Currently hooks render as ancestors of the class. Former is rendering hooks as a higher-order component and latter is rendering hook as a render-prop.
More tests