JavaScript Calculator

This is a simple JavaScript calculator that allows users to perform basic arithmetic calculations. It utilizes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create an interactive calculator interface.


  • Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) operations are supported.
  • The calculator can handle positive and negative numbers.
  • The calculator evaluates expressions when the "=" button is clicked.
  • The "AC" button clears the display and resets all variables.
  • The calculator provides real-time feedback by updating the display as the user inputs numbers and operators.


To use the JavaScript calculator, follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary HTML markup for the calculator interface.
  2. Create a JavaScript file or add the JavaScript code to your existing file.
  3. Inside the JavaScript code, select the calculator buttons and display elements using the respective CSS selectors.
  4. Set up a click event listener for each calculator button.
  5. Perform the appropriate operations based on the clicked button's value.
  6. Update the display with the calculated result or the user's input.
  7. Handle any errors or exceptions that may occur during evaluation or input validation.


🚀 About Me

I am a software developer with expertise in C++, JavaScript, and Python. As a highly skilled developer, I have experience working with a variety of programming languages and technologies. My expertise in C++ allows me to create efficient, high-performance software, while my proficiency in JavaScript and Python enables me to build user-friendly, interactive web applications.

My understanding of software development methodologies and ability to work in a team environment make me a valuable asset to any project.

I am always looking to improve my skills and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends. My goal is to deliver high-quality, efficient, and user-friendly software solutions to meet the needs of my clients.